dana octopus squid (taningia danae)
The Dana Octopus Squid is a species of squid in the family Octopoteuthidae. It is one of the largest known squid species, reaching a mantle length of 5.6 ft and total length of 7.5 ft. The largest known specimen, a mature female, weighed 135 lb. Taningia danae is named after Danish fisheries biologist Aage Vedel Taaning (1890-1958), who often traveled on the research vessel Dana. In 2005, a Japanese research team headed by Tsunemi Kubodera managed to film T. danae in its natural habitat for the first time. The video footage, shot in deep water off Chichi-jima in the northern Pacific Ocean, shows T. danae emitting blinding flashes of light from photophores on its arms as it attacks its prey. It is believed that this highly maneuverable squid uses the bright flashes to disorientate potential prey. These flashes may also serve to illuminate the prey to make for easier capture as well as a courtship and territorial display. As well as a predatorial characteristic, Dana bioluminescence has also been inferred as a defense mechanism. Juveniles of this species have been observed moving rapidly in the direction of potential predators, as if hunting, to disorientate and startle the threat with a mock attack.