Wellsville Ridge

Features:The first part of this wilderness trail passes through a lush region of maple woodland, shrubs, and flowering plants. Higher up is frequent evidence of winter avalanche damage. Both valleys can be seen from the ridge, which is covered with flowers during the summer. This ridge is a favorite birdwatching area because it is a major raptor flyway.

Trailhead: Once in Mendon take Hwy. 23 to 300 North (look for the wildlife viewing sign, then head west about 2 miles to the trailhead.


Trail Information: The trailhead and first portion of the trail are on private property. Please show respect. This trail is deceptive because it begins at a moderate pitch but then increases dramatically, so there are many switchbacks. Stewart Pass is 2 miles south along the ridge The Wellsville Cone is about a mile farther south. No water is available; carry your own. Hikers can descend via the Coldwater East Trail to Maple Bench Trailhead. Carry a map because there few signs on these wilderness trails.