High Creek


  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Length: 7 miles from Naomi Peak, 10 miles from Tony Grove Lake
  • Time: 6 hours
  • Best Time of Year: Jul to Oct
  • Trail Number: 005
  • GPS: N41°53.721 W111°33.533


Begin 9,979 ft
End 5,200 ft
Features: This wilderness trail winds through a riparian forest and parallels a booming mountain stream. It progresses into a wide glacial valley, evntually opening into sub-alpine meadows covered with wildflowers. The trail culminates at 9,000 feet at High Creek Lake, a glacial cirque lake surrounded by towering cliffs. Hikers enjoy numerous waterfalls during the last 2 miles. This is also a popular trail for horseback riding.
Trailhead: Tony Grove Lake Loop, see the Naomi Peak trail description first.
Trail Information: The trails continue from High Creek Lake west toward Cherry Peak and the city of Richmond, or northwest to High Creek Canyon. Carry a map because there are few signs on these wilderness trails.